Columbus ranks in the top 150 as one of the best cities in the world
March 28, 2016
If you just moved into downtown Columbus – CONGRATS!!! A recent post on just ranked Columbus as one of the world’s greatest cities! The website highlights over 150 cities all over the world that it lists as the best places to move and Columbus is one of them!
If you are looking to talk a friend into moving here – be sure and share this article!
When you analyze the cost of living, median salaries for various professions, arts and culture, ease of transportation and success of local startups, you can see why Columbus ranks so high!
Columbus, Ohio, is among the top cities with a free business environment. The data reflects that this city has a good ranking in Environmental Quality and Economy.
The cost of living in downtown Columbus is relatively low with an average of just $1900 for median rent. You can find lots of apartments within this range here in the Arena District!
The average job salary varies by job, but is around $50,000. It’s a great place to start a new business as well, as we have had over 250 new companies start right here in Columbus. Big ones are Jeni’s Splendid Icecream, or Middle West Spirits.
On top of the great economy, Columbus offers a myriad of colleges and universities for anyone looking to further their education.
It also has an incredible micro-brew scene. Just check out the Columbus Ale Trail.
If these reasons don’t satisfy, there is always our arts and culture. With Balletmet Columbus, COSI, The Asian Festival, you will never lack fun things to do in Columbus.
If you don’t already live here – make the move now. You can even Live in the District!